moms for moms


  • 1 in 3 low-income families can't afford diapers for their children
  • 1/4 of US menstruators struggle to buy period products each year
  • Necessary and expensive feminine products and diapers are not covered by the SNAP program
  • 57% of parents in the US who rely on childcare missed an average of four days of work because they didn’t have enough diapers.





Moms for Moms was conceived by a group of local mothers who wanted to help alleviate the financial burden on mothers struggling to provide for their babies. CCNW supplies each family who comes to the food pantry for support with all the essentials they need to help care for their babies and toddlers: wipes, diapers, baby food, and toiletries. Thanks to the generosity of the local community and the Moms For Moms Drive, over 10,000 pounds of diapers and wipes have been collected during the past 6 years of the drive...filling our diaper shed and allowing us to have needed baby goods throughout the year. This year we are also collecting feminine care products for our mothers as these items are also costly, in high demand and not covered under SNAP benefits.


  • Diapers (Sizes 4, 5, 6)
  • Wipes
  • Baby Food (formula and jarred foods)
  • Feminine Care Products

Please consider helping local Mothers by supporting our drive for diapers, wipes, baby food, and feminine care products. We are gratefully accepting donations at the Center or you can purchase items online through our Amazon wish list and have them shipped directly to the Center. Donations being dropped off in person at the Community Center may be done during our regular hours at our back door or in the bins marked Moms For Moms. When dropping donations for weighing, please mention they are for the Moms For Moms Diaper Drive and if you have an affiliation with a preschool or organization that is participating you can also mention their name so that we can properly track your generous donations.

We are so grateful for your help in making this year's Moms For Moms Drive a success and for supporting local families in need!

The Moms for Moms Committee: Quinn Dowling (Co-Chair), Danielle Genett (Co-Chair), Daria Culver, Jennifer Niles, Jana Peterson and Kristen Roper.